Read in a file (locally) or use global object named df (on INCA) and coerce to incadata-object.

use_incadata(file, cache = TRUE, sep = ";", dec = ",", ...)



file name as character (ignored if called from INCA)


use cache to speed up the loading (see section: "Cache" below)

sep, dec

arguments passed to read.csv2


arguments passed to as.incadata.


object returned by as.incadata


To process all data through as.incadata can be time consuming for large data sets. It is therefore advised to use caching (argument cache = TRUE) to avoid unnecessary processing of already formatted data. If cache = TRUE, the function will read and process the data only the first time (or if the original data is later changed). A processed and cached version of the data is saved with suffix ".rds". The cached version is always compared to the original file by its MD5 sum and is always updated if needed.


if (FALSE) { # Create a csv file with example data in a temporary directory fl <- tempfile("ex_data", fileext = ".csv2") write.csv2(incadata::ex_data, fl) # First time the file is read from csv2 use_incadata(fl) dir(tempdir) # a cache file is saved along the original csv2-file use_incadata(fl) # Next time file loaded from cache }